Living life for football manager!

Created by Nathan 9 years ago
To sit here and pick one story about Joel is just impossible. We had so many amazing times together that I will never forget. I could not have asked for a better big brother. He was always there for me and always offered me great advice. When Joel was diagnosed it was a sad time, however we had the most amazing time. We would sit day in day out playing Football Manager and Fifa, it was brilliant and gave me a fantastic excuse not to go into uni. We would sit and argue who made the next cup of tea, or who had to go to the shop and get food. It was one of the best times of my life as we spent so much time together, just the two of us. I remember one day Joel surprised me with the Inbetweeners box set and we sat and watched them all back to back. It was a time that I will always remember. Although I cannot get those times back I can continue to remember the fantastic times we had together. Not a single day goes by where I don't sit and think about Joel. However I don't believe in sitting around and crying, it is not something that he would have wanted. So it is important for me to remember all of the good times and continue to live life to the full. I can't begin to explain what a brave and inspirational person Joel was and how truly amazing he coped with what life threw at him. I'm sure he is ok and is looking over on all of us. Joel has left so many fantastic memories with so many different people. Joel always said life with no regrets and the only regret I have is not having more time with him but the time we had was unforgettable. 2 years have passed but it still doesn't seem right that I am sat here writing on a webpage about Joel. However as Joel said you are handed a pack of cards and its what you do with them that matters so remember live life to the maximum and live with no regrets! "You and I are going to live forever" Nath and Matt xxx
